Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips

  I was recently interviewed for some email marketing tips by a good friend of mine, author and content-creator extraordinaire Sonja Jefferson, who posted our discussion as an article on email marketing tips on her blog. Sonja wanted to know how to use email as part of your marketing mix.  But there are some mistakes…

133 Marketing Channels

133 Marketing Channels

Running out of ideas for marketing your business? Check out the 133 marketing channels you’ll find in the PDF file here. You’ll need a reasonably up to date version of Adobe Acrobat to open and read it, which most people have installed on their PC anyway. This is part of the Core Marketing approach to…

Travel Business Rides ‘Perfect Storm’ to Add £1.8m in 12 Months

Travel Business Rides ‘Perfect Storm’ to Add £1.8m in 12 Months

The directors of Airworld Tours, a luxury travel business, were deeply concerned that their hard work to build a multimillion pound travel business over ten years would be unravelled by a ‘perfect storm’ of problems hitting them all at the same time. Jamal Shahid and Mohammad Akram started luxury tour operator Airworld Tours Limited in…