Do you need a marketing calendar?

Are you one of those people who has lots of great ideas, starts them but then they trickle out?

Or perhaps you’re just really busy and forget to do things that you know are important, but that never quite make it to the top of the To-Do list?

We all know that keeping in touch with customers and prospective customers is really important, yet most small businesses aren’t doing it consistently.  It’s not surprising, really, with so many other things to do.

Yesterday I caught up with an old friend, Tim, who has a contacts database that runs to several thousand people (he’s a really active networker).  He’s invited all of those to add him to their mailing list for newsletters etc, yet he explained to me, in surprise, that he receives regular communications from only 10-20 of those 3,000 business contacts.

Don’t think I’m complaining – I’m not!  Think about this for a moment – just 20 in 3,000 – that’s just two-thirds of a percent – a teeny, weeny 0.67% – of businesses that keep in regular touch with their customers past, present and future.

To help you do it for yourself, create a calendar of activities for your business – include all the things you’d like to do – newsletters, special offers, birthday cards, special event invitations, etc.  Then assign somebody in your business to do it.

Think you’re too small to cope and don’t have the time?  Do something tiny then, but show that you care.  A simple email update from time to time, a short newsletter or some free tips.  Put a bit of yourself into it, so your character shines through.  Remember, business is all about building relationships – so invest just a little time today to plan your customer relationships.

You know it makes sense to be in the 0.67% of businesses that show they care, regularly.