Double Your Business Coaching Strategy Call

Hello Again!

Based on our discussion, your business seems like it could be a great fit to work with me, so I’d like to invite you to join me on a Double Your Business Strategy Session to explore this further.

This is up to an hour’s consultation and we’ll go deep into your goals and your business to explore what it will truly take to double your business

At the end of the call, if I think your business is still a fit for Double Your Business Coaching, we can talk about working together.

But just to be sure, here’s who it will suit, and just as importantly, who it won’t suit..

Double Your Business Coaching Works Best When…

  • Your business is currently turning over £120,000-£2,500,000 per annum.
  • You want to double your business in terms of sales and profits.
  • You currently deliver, or want to deliver, services/products that are clearly different and superior to your competition.
  • You are confident that your business can grow significantly, with the right support, and are willing to put in the work to make that happen.
  • You are able and willing to invest time and money to grow your business and enjoy greater success.
  • You have an open mind and enjoy learning and changing the way you do things in order to get better results.

Double Your Business Coaching is NOT For Those Who…

  • Care only about the money, not the service they deliver or the experience of their customers.
  • Employ underhand practices that demonstrate poor ethics and a lack of common decency.
  • Are in startup mode and are not making sales of at least £120,000 per annum, minimum.
  • Are not prepared to roll up their sleeves in order to transform their business and create a better life.
  • Have no interest in learning new ways of thinking and acting in order to make their business grow.

Are You Ready to Really Drive Growth?

You will be expected to implement what you learn, quickly.

You will be expected to share your results, your problems and your challenges.

You will be expected to ask for help, quickly, when you need it.

And you will be expected to be open and honest at all times.

OK, Let’s Get Started…

First, you need to enter your main email address below.

Not the address you use to sign up for newsletters etc, but the one you take seriously.  I value my time and I value yours – so let’s get off on the right footing from this point onwards.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be taken to an application form to answer a series of questions about your business.

This helps me to clearly identify those who are ready for this kind of programme.

You’ll then be able to reserve a 1 hour slot in my diary for our strategy call.

I’ll review your application before we meet and use it to help me get to know you better.  If we get on well, and you meet the criteria, we can discuss working together.

I will not pressure or hassle you.  I only choose to work with people who are a good fit – I genuinely turn around 30% of people away.

Likewise, if it’s not for you, that’s fine too.

If all of this seems a bit extreme, it’s because I have found that choosing to work with the right people means they get great results and I feel great about working with them.

I look forward to speaking again soon…

Warm regards,

Lee Duncan

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WHSmith Business Book of The Month

My book, Double Your Business, is an Amazon #1 best-seller and has been published in several languages including Russian, Mandarin and Portuguese.  It was also the WHSmith Business Book Of The Month.  It’s available through Financial Times Publishing in all good book stores and of course Amazon.

Lee with clients Jamal Shahid and Mohammad Akram.  Their business, Airworld Tours, grew £2 million with two years Double Your Business Coaching.  They've grown a further £6m since.

Airworld Tours added £2 million additional sales during Double Your Business Coaching.  They’ve since added a further £8m to sales.  Here I am with directors Mohammad Akram and Jamal Shahid.


Paul Marsden is a partner with UHY-Hacker Young Accountants in Letchworth.  He has grown their payroll business from £600k to £1.3 million with Double Your Business Coaching.

Tom McCullough at work in his rapidly growing business, Haydon Bridge Pharmacy

Tom McCullough runs Haydon Bridge Pharmacy, just 20 miles south of Hadrian’s Wall in northern England.  He has grown sales from £560.000 to £1,330,000 with Double Your Business Coaching.


Trevor Nicholls founded The Leaflet Delivery Company in Milton Keynes.  He doubled his sales, franchised the business and sold his first 5 franchises with Double Your Business Coaching.  Later on he sold the business.


Simon Watson runs Watson Gym Equipment in Frome.  He increased productivity by some 60-70% with Double Your Business Coaching, helping him to grow sales over £2 million without investing in further manufacturing capacity.