I Help Businesses to Scale & Grow
I work with people who run their own businesses and who may be thinking…
- “Hmm, my business is not growing fast enough…”
- “I think I may have become a busy fool – I’m putting in lots of hours for little reward…”
- “I want to drive real growth, not just 5-10% per annum…”
- “I’m willing to pull my sleeves up, get stuck in and work hard if I could just figure out what to do…”
If you have joined all the clubs, tried all the marketing advice and nothing is making much of a difference, it’s time to get some direct support from somebody who can walk the talk.
If your business has reached a plateau and you want to kickstart it back into growth, or you just want to enjoy more success, you are in the right place.
My clients have added in excess of £70 million to their revenues, with millions of this added during the worst recession in our lifetimes.
I’m a shareholder and the marketing strategist for a financial services business started in 2012 that now trades in the millions (Varooma.com a trading name of Greenlight Credit Ltd).
Just think what we could do with your business.
Working with Lee Duncan…
Pick up the phone and call my office on freephone 0800 206 2216. Your business will be glad you called.
Double Your Business – The Book…
If you have not read my book, Double Your Business: How To Break Through The Barriers To Higher Growth, Turnover And Profit from Financial Times Publishing, then you can get a sample chapter by clicking on the image of the book in the right hand column of this page.
Check out the Case Studies page to read stories and watch videos of real-world clients talking about their businesses and their specific results.
When you are ready, give my office a call to arrange an initial chat. You won’t be disappointed.
Our focus will be on strategies to get better results for you – more sales, higher profit and greater enjoyment of owning your business.
The strategies we will use address the 7 key disciplines of business management:
- Self-development and time management, making you more focused and productive
- Essential financial management to eliminate waste, maximise profit and improve cash flow
- Leadership, vision, management and team building for motivation and effectiveness
- Marketing to produce qualified leads, rather than simply “getting your name out there”
- Sales management and processes that increase sales performance
- Systemisation of your business to eliminate inefficient firefighting and frustration
- Peak levels of customer service to increase customer referrals